
That's right,I mean to make you fell ashamed of us!!!
But think about why did i choice to do it?
Did you ever feel about my sadness?
NO, for 10 years, I waked up whan i'm loney, i knew i have to fight something would make me bad.
I stand for all my own.
But how about you? You have no teachen me at all.
I appreciated about your money and love to make me like that, that i have been now, but in the truth, you didn't tough me.
i've been changed myself by myself.

A cellphone missing event can tell me how did you think of me, that how did you wnat me to be.
Tomorrow, i finally have enough years to have my own cellphone.
That's fine, i think this time i will have no tears.And i really have no tears.
i knew i couldn't cry.
i'm really know that would i was important in your mind.
And, just much of. But never can campare to my sister & brother.

forget it.
i knwe i'm the best one, that's enough.

but still have i feel sad.
i wanna die now.

    創作者 sakuryo 的頭像

    life is ... ?

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